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Topic: [NEWS] VirtualDJ 5.0 rev4 is released - Page: 5

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kingdonPRO InfinityMember since 2007
its the sound as well as the pitch t.c.v are fine can i not just install rev.2 over rev.4 or do i have to uninstall if so how do i do that

geposted Mon 08 Oct 07 @ 10:00 pm
ciacomix wrote :

I can say that it isnt a local setup problem (TTs for example) since i own a different DJ software (MV) which is working fine - but of course i want to use VDJ ;)

Could it be ONE bad vinyl ? Since you previously said the problem was on one deck?
If you swap the vinyls, does the problem swap too?

It might be bad vinyls (pressing, tracking ,center circle placement or warp). When running MixVibes you dont use same vinyls..

If the vinyls is NOT the problem, let me know.. Need to fix that, if something is broken... Or maybe its just the 2nd gen vinyls.
3rd gen are LOTS better pressed with far better tracking.


geposted Mon 08 Oct 07 @ 10:07 pm
kingdon wrote :
its the sound as well as the pitch t.c.v are fine can i not just install rev.2 over rev.4 or do i have to uninstall if so how do i do that

You can install rev2 over rev4... BUT , rev4 fixes a lot of bugs..

geposted Mon 08 Oct 07 @ 10:08 pm
Thanks dj-in-norway, i will check this out when i`m back to home, can`t remember if i swapped them this morning, i`ll keep you posted for sure. The Numark ones should arrive in 1-2 days too so i can do some deeper testing

geposted Mon 08 Oct 07 @ 10:13 pm
ciacomix wrote :
Thanks dj-in-norway, i will check this out when i`m back to home, can`t remember if i swapped them this morning, i`ll keep you posted for sure. The Numark ones should arrive in 1-2 days too so i can do some deeper testing

Would love to hear your comming feedbacks, we want timecode support to be absolutely great.

And please start a new thread when that time comes, so we can collect the feedbacks there:)


geposted Mon 08 Oct 07 @ 10:21 pm
kingdonPRO InfinityMember since 2007
dj in norway thank you thats what i needed to know

geposted Mon 08 Oct 07 @ 10:22 pm
djfsPRO InfinityMember since 2007
cstoll wrote :
djfs wrote :
i don't see the denon 4500 in the cue options. and for some reason one of my video is bust now. it plays in wmp but not in cue. when loaded it doesn't show the video and the audio is all messed up.

Make sure you go back to the Codecs tab and make sure your settings didn't change for the .wmp extension -- might need to set it back to Windows Media Player Video decoder.

its an mpg file. the rest of them work ok. strange one, i'll re-rip it and see maybe, i don't understand it myself why it wouldn't work.

geposted Mon 08 Oct 07 @ 10:53 pm
djfsPRO InfinityMember since 2007
just checked, the denon isn't on cue. i see in the vdj manual its there.

geposted Mon 08 Oct 07 @ 11:16 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
djfs wrote :
just checked, the denon isn't on cue. i see in the vdj manual its there.

Well if you jump over to the thread about the Denon controller you will see some notes as to possibly why it was not included as part of the Numark branded version. The implemented mapping is 'incomplete' as it was just a quick stab at providing some basic support of the controller until the DevTeam could get more time with it (even get a unit themselves).

Also, if you think about it - it's a little counter productive from a Numark perspective for their branded product to have a competitor's brand new product supported. NOT SAYING THAT WAS THE REASON - but, just think about it. I am sure the reason is more along my first statement of it being 'incomplete'.

So if you have more comments please make them in the Denon Thread - so we can keep this thread on topic.

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 1:52 am
Timmyg1978 wrote :
Still no napster, maybe next release?

Napster does not seem to work for me either. I can login, but nothing shows up after I try to search.

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 2:14 am
dj-in-norway wrote :
ClearSound is a HI-FI filter applied to scratching sound, to provide a more clear sound on delicate instruments (violines, strings, etc)
To most users, turing this off, will not make much noticable difference. Without ClearSound (added in VDJ 5) there will be a TINY "tremble/flanger" on certain instruments during the scratch. You will have to be a real audiophile to notice ;)

Pitch sensitivity is a setting in TimeCode settings, and is not the same as soundcard latency no :) Pitch sensitivity is how FAST the VDJ skin pitch slider should respond to your turntables pitch movements. At default now, its set at 100ms (one tenth of a second), and small wow & flutter on your turntables might move the skin slider (cosmetic), and scratching might turn the skin pitch "crazy". Turing it to 2000ms will totally remove it. You can adjust it to find YOUR golden one, where it works good for YOU, in "agreement" with your setup.

100ms as the new default is, is maybe a bit too optimistic. Works great for (non wow/flutter) timecode CD's, but I think most timecode vinyl users on "mid range" turntables need a higher less sensitivity. Try 500ms, 1000ms and 2000ms :)

and Clear Sound off, to be even more "stable" :)

Where is the ClearSound setting though? I do not see it in the settings window. 2000ms sounds way too slow. If I had timecode vinyl and moved it, it would react two seconds later? Is what you are explaining only for timecode users and not controller users like me?

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 2:22 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
GargantulaKon - Correct, those are Timecode settings

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 3:02 am
GargantulaKon wrote :

2000ms sounds way too slow. If I had timecode vinyl and moved it, it would react two seconds later?

No... its not 2 second delay in how VDJ reacts to your pitch movements. But 2 seconds delay in how the pitch slider in SKIN reacts.
Cosmetic! :)


geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 9:52 am
Exactly...and for people who use TCV thats not a problem because most of us don't even look at the screen:) VDJ is perfect for em at the mintue. So glad Im a registered user.

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 4:27 pm
kaoz99PRO InfinityMember since 2006
To the Dev Team well done. v5r4 is installed and still the same as always EXCELLENT !! :-D


geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 5:03 pm
Will a demo version of this release will be available?

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 6:43 pm
well done

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 7:44 pm
I've been out of town for a bit. Nice to see the new release is out! Can't wait to give it a spin.

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 8:42 pm
I've got to admit...It sure is nice to see all my genres lined up alphabetically, and correctly populated. B4, it was a real pain! As for other issues, so far, so good - nice work :)

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 9:26 pm
djfsPRO InfinityMember since 2007
what about track number tag?

geposted Tue 09 Oct 07 @ 11:50 pm