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Topic: Cartridges for VDJ timecoded vinyl - Page: 1

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Has anybody tried scratching with this Final Scratch cartridge on VDJ timecoded vinyl?


Also, if you are a using VDJ timecoded vinyl to scratch with, what cartridge are you using? I'm trying to find out what cartridges are best to use on VDJ timecoded vinyl. I currently use this cartridge to practice scratching on “real” vinyl:


Thanks in advance for any comments.


geposted Fri 03 Dec 04 @ 5:04 am
HELLO! i suggest you try mix vibes catridge. its also good like VDJ.

Hello Dj ador.

I went to MixVibes online shop. I could not find a MixVibes cartridge for sell. If this cartridge does exist, have you used it with VDJ? Furthermore, I don't understand your comment "its also good like VDJ" because VDJ doesn't have its own cartridge. However, that would be a good idea...


Dj ador seems to ador MixVibes, as he uses every chance to promote it on any thread ... ;) lol

Good looking out big bro; I appreciate the info on DJ ador. His comment could have been useful if he had explained his preference to MixVibes—even though that’s not the purpose of this thread. He could have also posted the location of the mysterious MixVibes cartridge. I enjoy reading comments that compare VDJ to other products.

When it comes to scratching, I think the type of cartridge used is just as important as the mixer and turntables. However, more emphasis is placed on the latter items. It would be nice if VDJ had its own cartridge designed specifically for the timecoded vinyl.




that is the cart you want.

really though, you want to save yor cash for the ortofons. there about 100 buck a piece, but SOOOOO worht it. you have to break the ortofons in though. let them ride an old record for a few hours a day until the needle isnt so rough. they have been known to eat new vinyl. after the break in period. they are the best needles Ever.

Ortofons are the best, but the m447s are hot too!


Thanks for the information VxLeSTaTxV. Have you tried either of the cartridges that you've suggested on VDJ timecoded vinyl? Also, if you have used another cartridge in the past but stopped because you didn’t like it, please tell us why....

It would be nice if Dev Team could test various cartridges and inform us of which ones performed the best on VDJ timecoded vinyl.


b.t.w. I have this cartridge:



the shure m44-7 is the best system for scratching on ANY vinyl . i´ve been scratching with them since januray and they are still working perfect!

I agree for the shure's, the best but expensive.

But the best value for money is Stanton 500's series with the "AL" needles (spherical)
(beware to avoid the "EL" needles (eliptical), as they damage the vinyl easily)

These carts was used by many DMC scratch dj's/champions (including myself)

Ortofone Concorde for me.

Stanton Trackmasters here (old ones, first generation). I switched to those from the 500AL back in 1995, and have been happy with them since then. I don't scratch though.

I would like to thank everyone for the suggestions. As it currently stands, we have the following approval ratings for each cartridge that has been suggested in this thread:

Shure M44-7 ***

Ortofone Concorde **

Stanton 500 series **

Stanton Trackmaster *

MixVibes cartridge? (if it exist) *

Each cartridge receives one of these * each time a different person recommends it.


i forgot to mention that with those m447s, you need to attach that extra weight to the cartridge head. it says its optional, but it's a MUST for scratching. (it's there in the packaging, when you open the box to assemble)


(nt = no text)

MixVibes cartridge?.. is a joke !
remove it from the options...


I do not recommend the Stanton 500 cardridges. The problem with those is the very low output voltage, only 2 or 3 mV. The signal to noise ratio is therefore not very good. The noise will disturb the Timecode signal.
I tried the Stanton 500's with D-Vinyl and it worked not that good. After some investigation I found out that the Shure M44-7 has the highest output voltage of them all (9mV). The trackmaster, Whitelabel and Ortofon's are at about 6mV.
I know Proto have good results with the Ortofon cardridges, so I think the other two will also do the job. I have good results with the M44-7 needles, but i will try the Ortofon Elektro (7mV) also while it is a cardridge, and head in one, which I like better. I will post the results

The "E" model (eliptical, which i dont recommend) has low output (3mv)
The "AL" has 4.6mv and is working well with mixvibes vinyls and soft, giving an "excellent"
signal (simillar to 100% quality in vdj)
i will soon receive my virtual dj vinyls and test with.
I'm sure they will work ok.
I recommend the improved 505 and 520 with 6mv, still best value for money.

Here is a very good source to see specs and prices:

Thanks for the additional information Superstom and apopsis. I visted the Traktor/Final Scratch Forums to obtain additional cartridge suggestions for timecoded vinyl use. Consequently, I’ve updated the approval ratings and cartridge suggestions:

Shure M44-7 ***********

Ortofone Concorde *********

Stanton 500 series ***

Stanton Trackmaster ***

Stanton 890 **

Stanton Trackmaster Roger Sanchez edition *

Stanton 680 EL *

Shure Whitelabels *

Numark Groove Tool cartridges *

I will periodically update the approval ratings and cartridge suggestions as I obtain additional information from other forums—I want this to be a comprehensive cartridge thread.

