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Topic: thinking of buying vdj pro but i have an issue to resolve first

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I am new to vdj comunity, I have installed your latestest demo and have read the forums on the settings for vdj pro on how to tweak my windos xp to get the most out of vdj.

I am very tempted to buy this software but i would like to get on issue resolved first so if you would be kind enough to help me out.

My problem is when i am playing a song, let's say i start playing the last 15 seconds of that song, i hear a really loud pop at the end of that song.Then when i replay that song at the same position again, i won't hear that pop. This happens at random times.If i repeatedly repeat this test, i hear a pop at the end of the song only one third of the time approx.

i am using an ag gigaport usb sound card.
I use an external mixer for my mixing.
My pc is a p4 3 gig cpu and 1 gig of ram.
I only use wave files in this app.
I use only an internal ide hard drive.
My operating system is windows xp sp2 with all updated done.

Please help.


geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 2:58 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
Look in your config menu, try adjusting the latency, as well as ticking, or un-ticking as the case may be, safe mode and over-clock. See if that helps...

geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:09 pm
safe mode and over clock were unticked, and my latency is at auto

What should i set the latency to ?

geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:12 pm
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Try this, Preset slider all the way to Fastest and Latency on Auto

Check safe mode.

When you get pops and hicup's it's normally down to Latency, meaning your machine can't deal with the info it's processing fast enough.


geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:15 pm
Jimmy B....thanks for youe suggestions, but does not work, i still get a loud pop at the end of the song randomly

geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:19 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
Try running MP3 files see if it is still present...I had issues with .wav files back in v4.3 and switched to MP3 and have had no issues...

geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:21 pm
ok i will try but just to let you know that i prefer wave files because of the sound quality and they load faster

geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:22 pm
ok i tried the mp3's and the pop at the end of the song does not exist anymore. Is it possible that this is a decoder issue. Can a fix be released soon. I really wanna buy the software but really don't want to use mp3 because i hate them and i really wanna use wave files.


geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:44 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
Mp3 files either downloaded from site such as Beatports, or ripped at a high quality sound just as good as .wav files. It all boils down to the sample rate they are ripped at. Only a true dedicated audiophile could even come close to hearing the difference, especially in live applications with the background noise generated by the environment.

geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:47 pm
true but i have on specific song that i ripped from vinyl that i also encoded to mp3 at 320 bit rate using the latest lame encoder and i can hear the difference. Imagine that i can hear this through earphones that i bought at best buy for 30 dollars canadian.

Anyways i think i hoave found a work around.

In the config, codecs, i changed the decoder from wave decoder to general windows media player audio decoder.

I will test that further and let you know if it solves the issue.

In the mean time would it be possible to bring this problem to the dev dept.


geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:54 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
removethat90smix wrote :
would it be possible to bring this problem to the dev dept.

Even though they may not post, the Dev Team reads the forums regularly, so I bet they have been watching this thread already ;-)

Also, nice catch on the changing of the encoders....

geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:56 pm
ok by changing the decoder option, i have solved this problem for now. Hope it contimues to go well.,,,,

geposted Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:59 pm
just wanted to tell everyone that after extensive testing, i conclude that it is the wave decoder that was causing the click at the end of the song, even in the preview option. My work around is using the general audio media player player decoder.

I must stress that dev. team fixes this beacuse it is important if you are playing 48 khz, as the sound is not as good on the workaround.

I am surprise that the dev team has not fixed this long ago.

I know most people use mp3 but i refuse to use mp3 because wave is alot better.

If this issue gets resolved, i will buy the software.

geposted Sun 03 Aug 08 @ 11:40 am
Good idea on the workaround, I'm sure it will be helpful for those with similar troubles ;)

geposted Mon 04 Aug 08 @ 9:09 pm
I got to weigh in on this....

TearEmUp wrote: Try running MP3 files see if it is still present...I had issues with .wav files back in v4.3 and switched to MP3 and have had no issues...

First off, TearEmUp, I want to thank you personally for all the help you've given me and the help I've seen you give others. I don't want you to think I'm ripping on you or coming down on you. I appreciate your contributions....

I think it's good that you endorse the use of a different codec decoder..... as a temporary work around. I stress temporary.

A lot of users prefer the .wav format. Regardless of ones preference of format, VDJ clearly touts .wav as a supported format. The only reason I'm making a big deal about this is that I found this thread on the 10th page of this particular forum...

To quote the Anderson Cooper 360 segment, I'm just trying to "Keep Them Honest".

geposted Thu 04 Sep 08 @ 6:20 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
removethat90smix wrote :
just wanted to tell everyone that after extensive testing, i conclude that it is the wave decoder that was causing the click at the end of the song, even in the preview option. My work around is using the general audio media player player decoder.

I must stress that dev. team fixes this beacuse it is important if you are playing 48 khz, as the sound is not as good on the workaround.

I am surprise that the dev team has not fixed this long ago.

I know most people use mp3 but i refuse to use mp3 because wave is alot better.

If this issue gets resolved, i will buy the software.

Thank you for the feedback. We will investigate about this problem.

If you have a Wave editor, can you verify that there is no peak at the end of the file

geposted Thu 04 Sep 08 @ 7:25 pm
Can you also check if the problem only happens on 48Khz WAV files? (and that standard 44Khz files play without problems).

Thank you.

geposted Fri 05 Sep 08 @ 3:19 am
Here is the problem we are having, when you use the search program for a song Virtal DJ shows there are multiple copies of the same song. Sometimes like five versions. Problem is when you try to load that song 4 out of the five say "file does not exist" or Error. Now to the real funny part one day the song will load fine the next it will give that message or not find the file at all. We are running Vista at this time.

geposted Fri 05 Sep 08 @ 11:47 am
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007

Please don't double post, Redneckscountry, Thanks


geposted Fri 05 Sep 08 @ 12:10 pm
Sorry wasn't meaning to.

geposted Fri 05 Sep 08 @ 7:02 pm

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