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Forum: Old versions

Topic: crash & Broadcast!!! [SOLVED]

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When using audio effects while broadcasting there is high risk of loosing connection or softwarecrash (freezing of vdj but still playing and loosing connection)??
No crashguardreport there becouse only freezing!!!!!!!!!!
Please help very nasty thing!!!
If i use no effect no problem!!!!

geposted Thu 24 Jul 08 @ 5:25 am
Ah found this in my crashguart report!!!

Crash ID=0044feb8 (date=806241712, version=5.1 Pro, build=510, thread=Main, dump=f706ffff, excode=c0000005 (0,67aacb8))
Freeze (date=807232243, version=5.1 Pro, build=510, thread=Record)

geposted Thu 24 Jul 08 @ 6:15 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Is your skin in fullscreen mode?

geposted Thu 24 Jul 08 @ 6:58 am
yes it is!!

geposted Thu 24 Jul 08 @ 8:08 am
and now no more responce???:-(
should i keep the skin in fullskreen or not????

geposted Fri 25 Jul 08 @ 4:55 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
(Sometimes peope are very busy)

Yes disable the fullscreen mode of the skin

geposted Fri 25 Jul 08 @ 5:36 am
ok i will try that on my next radio-session!!
because happens only while broadcasting
and thank you for help now bussy one :-)

geposted Fri 25 Jul 08 @ 6:03 am
discotronic wrote :
ok i will try that on my next radio-session!!
because happens only while broadcasting
and thank you for help now bussy one :-)
Problem sortet out thank you

geposted Sat 26 Jul 08 @ 4:53 am
Hello boys help me I to broadcast a not magician radio that to do?

geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 8:49 am

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