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Forum: Old versions

Topic: AUDIO / HEAD SPEAKER - hercules virtual dj 4.5.3

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Hi All, could someone tell me if hercules can play music if using one normal speaker with one jack only? I mean, i only plug the cable in output 1/2? Because i have serious problem.
Moreover i cannot hear anything coming out from the head speaker. And when i switch to mix/split mode the sound comes out from the speakers.
I had the same problem with traktor so i'm start thing that i need a amplifier or i don't know. It looks like hercules recognize the head speaker exit like it was a speaker. THANKS GUYS

geposted Sun 03 Aug 08 @ 4:27 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Don't know what you are asking here ...

There was never a version 4.5.3
Being you have not registered your serial, I am assuming you got the Herc second hand - which means you should be using version 3.4
The setup is straight forward with the Herc and that version.

If you are having similar experiences with the hardware in 2 separate programs then I would consider the hardware to have issues.
And when you say 'head speaker', do you mean headphones jack ?


geposted Sun 03 Aug 08 @ 12:32 pm
you're right the version is 4.3 r 13. My friend lend it to me to try as i've traktor and i have some problem as well. I'm talking about the headphone jack, I'm sorry. I bought hercules and traktor 3 LE
along with my mac last year.

I'm try to explain better, you know hercules? Well on the back side you can plug the jack in the slot 1/2 or 3/4. I plug in in 1/2 or 3/4 but it doesn't matter. There's something strange, you know the headphone knob in the front part of hercules? Well you can move in order to listen deck a, deck b, mix or split. So if I'm playing deck a and i cannot hear anything in the headphone with the knob on deck a, but if i switch onto mix or split i hear the sound coming out from the speakers. In traktor LE is the same so I'm just guessing that i need 2 amplified speakers with 1 jack each to plug one in the exit 1/2 and the second into 3/4. But i don't know. I use to have the old stile mixer with vinyls and i use to have the mixer connected to the amplifier and than the classical speakers. I hope to have explained better. Thanks!!! Maybe the audio configuration is wrong!

geposted Tue 05 Aug 08 @ 5:53 pm
Hi Guys,

anybody here could gimme an hand on this?

Thanks a lot,

geposted Tue 09 Sep 08 @ 1:21 pm

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