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Topic: numark turntables: ttx vs ttx1

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whats the real difference between these 2 turntables ttx and ttx1?

its been a while now since the ttx have been out can they now be compared to the techs?

geposted Mon 11 Aug 08 @ 7:32 pm
There have been two varients the TTX and the TX1 + USB , the TX1 features a usb connection to help you rip your vinyl also.

They are both very good direct drive turntables and have the nice digital bpm display.

Best Regards
Simon Bangs
Computer DJ/VJ product Specialist.
Numark Alesis Europe

The Both kick ass but for the pirce difference get the USB

I agree. I bought a TTX-1 before the USB version came out. I love my Numark, it kicks a 1200's butt!

I've never used Tech's before, but the torque on the TTX's is insane! I love mine!

If you aren't afraid of used, check eBay for some great deals. I got both of mine there for $400, BUT...

be careful. The first two I ordered, the guy's girlfriend packed them for him when he was away. She put a layer of packing peanuts in a large box, the first TTX on top of those, then covered it with more peanuts, then put the second TTX DIRECTLY on top of the first. Needless to say, the one on the bottom was trash by the time I got it.

The guy was cool though. He gave me half my money back AND let me keep the trashed one for parts.

Good luck!

skyfxl wrote :
There have been two varients the TTX and the TX1 + USB , the TX1 features a usb connection to help you rip your vinyl also.

They are both very good direct drive turntables and have the nice digital bpm display.

Best Regards
Simon Bangs
Computer DJ/VJ product Specialist.
Numark Alesis Europe

Actually, there has been 3 TTX'es.
First the TTX-1 with the 3.7kg motor and then the TTX with the 4.7 kg adjustable torque motor and now the TTX USB.
Anyway you look at it it's tank of a record player. Beats them all hands down on tone arm stability, motor strength, feedback resistance and overall build quality. The TTX rules ;)

fantastic, i got the ttx originals then they were stolen, so the replacement are the ttx usb i hooked both up but I cant get them and the sound card to work at the same time. the error comes up not enough asio channels and then nothing.. any help would be great.. the best thing about the ttx is the two play buttons and the extra special arm.. If you look on the site all ttx buyers in the usa get a free needle and head if you fill out the on line form.. ( proof of purchase is needed.. )

Hey guys - is it possible to use the TTX-1 USB with virtual DJ or Traktor if i plugged it straight into one of the USB ports, without using Serato or other audio interface's?

OBIEDOBE wrote :
Hey guys - is it possible to use the TTX-1 USB with virtual DJ or Traktor if i plugged it straight into one of the USB ports, without using Serato or other audio interface's?

No. The usb ports can only be used to record audio output.

i can now advice other users on these numark turntables and for anyone that's after [used] tables..
the ttx1 ttx-1 are the very first version of the ttx model and they have a lot of problems. their design over heats and they lose torque and the platter can just start going crazy out of no where.
there are 3 versions of ttx turntables. ttx-1 ttx and ttx usb. numark and numark lovers claim the ttx and the ttx usb are free of the problems of the ttx1. they did redesign the ttx and ttx usb but there are still torque problems here and there.
dont get me wrong the ttx turntable is a beast.
the tt500 beats too.
the tt500 is just as powerful as the ttx. actually its the other way round the ttx torque is just as powerful as the tt500. problem with the tt500 is with pitch. the platter too can just quit.
its just too bad that after all these years numark hasnt completely deaded these problems coz these tables are way better than the technics 1200.
im a proud owner of technics 1200, tt500 (x2) and ttx (x2) (not ttx1 nor ttxusb). i dont use the technics anymore. i use one tt500 and one ttx there's no real reason why i use the ttx. i bought all this stuff used and very cheap. if i were to sell the tables i'd get rid of the ttxs because i could get a lot of money for them. the resale value of the ttx (and ttx usb) is good.
i'd get rid of the technics too.

for peace of mind i'd get 2 more tt500s for back up coz u can get them on ebay for cheap. the previous owner of mine kept them in perfect condition. both the ttxs and the tt500s came in original boxes with everything in them with shure n44-7 (x2) and shure whitelabel (x2) cartridges and THROW AWAY Buy Now prices. i couldnt resist.
my experience with the tt500 has been great so far. the ttx's a little disappointed in them coz the tt500 platter feels noticeably better than the ttx even at the ttx's highest torque setting. the ttx's came open box brand new.
since i always keep the torque setting at highest that feature is useless (to me) for the ttx.
the ttx tone arm is a better build than the tt500. the tt500 tone arm feels too plastic. if ur gonna settle for these tables u better invest in some cases. u can get them for cheap on ebay.

my style of play: scratch hiphop.
software: torq

i just put this out there for anyone thats looking for the perfect table for their style and budget.

Sorry to disagree...I don't think any numark TT is better than the technics 1200/1210 decks. I have been Djing for a while now and the only TT's that can even come close to the technics are the vestax TT's. The technics TT's are the world standard for pro TT's for more than 20 years now. It is the turntables where world champions compete on. The greatest clubs and DJ's in the world uses the technics for a reason.

Witam ! Od niedzieli jestem posiadaczem dwóch numarkuw TTX .
Wszysto działa bez zarzutów , tak mi się wydaję .

1: Wyczytałem gdzieś ze wyświetlacz
powinien się
obrócić w zależności od trybu w jakim chcemy
U mnie sie tak nie dzieję .
2: Czasem na jednym z gramofonów , plyty sie zapetlają w pewnym momencie . Wcześniej na innym sprzęcie tak się nie działo

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