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Forum: Old versions

Topic: BCD 2000 : uncomplete loop control

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I'm surprised,
the included BCD2000 driver does not support all features
espescially the shift loop, video effects etc.

Is there a way to fix that?



geposted Sun 31 Aug 08 @ 3:51 am
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
yes, there are mappers available for licensed users. Which version are you using?

geposted Sun 31 Aug 08 @ 7:44 am
I think the theory behind that decision was to map the most straightforward controls with the plug-in, the turntables and equalizers, cross faders and lighting effects. The BCD2000 doesn't have controls for all the fancy other features in VDJ. If you wish to set up the controls so that they don't do what they're intended to - but instead wish to control features that you use more often, irregardless of the BCD labels, then the solution to the ambitious request is to turn your ambition towards creating a custom midi-mapping. Simply disable the Remote Control plug-in to the BCD and enable General MIDI, and use the autolearn to assign the features you want to some of the buttons.


geposted Sun 31 Aug 08 @ 9:46 am
Thx for your help,

I'm experimenting video scratch on the 5 release a friend of mine own, with the BCD 2K and a MBC.
Reading posts around I see i'm not the only one to mention trouble with the berhinger contoller.

One more : when your scratch is getting a litlle hard core, the controller simply deconnect,
no more midi signal is received. The soft don't crach but you have to swith off/on the BCD
to continue.
not very friendly use !


geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 4:34 am

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