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Topic: All DJs' with U46mk2 soundcard

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For all the DJ's with a u46mk2 soundcard,I really dont see a difference with the u46dj soundcard,personally I feel mixvibes wants to be like vdj.No problem if all other software wants to be like us,it makes me feel even better when I am using VDJ.But for all the users having pops & clicks with u46mk2 especially with vista, ESI have came out with a new driver august 8,2008. for those who still having issue http://download.esi-audio.com/?w=esi&p=26&g=2&l=en, you can download and try version 1.039.It works real fine for me.

geposted Tue 02 Sep 08 @ 5:37 pm
If you got it working fine, maybe you can help us out with your settings, mayber post them here how you got the darn thing to work cause i thought I had it straight but I keep getting nosie after about 10 minutes of song play and it last bout 60 seconds too long. So far no one has come up with any REAL ideas. Here's my setup:

Windows VISTA on a Sony VIAO Intel DUO CENTRINO. All the tweaks have been made to the lappy from all the pro's as far as shutting things down, the lappy pretty much is a stand along for VDJ with the exception of the wifi.

Got the MKII soundcard with the latest driver, (prior to your post)
Working on CDJ's 1000 with DJM 600.
Yes i have ground filters, I have pretty much everything set right.
I've changed my Latency settings from 128 up to 512 which is the highest the sound card will go. Buffer is set at 6.
Everything seems to be set right but not sure where the nosie is coming from, basically the track that is playing sounds distorted for that moment. The last time I played around with my system when the noise started, the right deck was playing and the left deck was stopped, when I would play a track on the left deck the noise would basically go away, and stopping the left deck woudl start again, so I was closer to finding the issue but it was late and I had to call it quits.

Ok downloaded the update, changed the look and it so far is working better, the music sounds louder, but let me not get too excited yet.
I know I've posted my issues in other topics but trying to narrow down an audience is hard so hopefully this will be the last time.

geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 6:13 pm

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