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Topic: Questions about possible bugs in VDJ

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OK, here are my findings having used VDJ for about 4 months. Maybe I'm speaking out of my a**e here, but any input to these issues would be greatly appreciated.

1 - Loading long tracks takes ages. I have quite a few 60 to 80 minute mixes in 128Kbps MP3 format. They never seem to load in advance of where they are playing. I just constantly get the "loading" message on my DN-HC4500 controller, and trying to invoke certain effects eg. beat blocker does not work at all. Is this a memory limitation?

2 - Loading a music track takes a lot longer after having loaded a video. Edit, seems to be fixed in VDJ 5.2

3 - Search & sort. If you search for an artist, genre, BPM range etc, the sort does not work on tracks below the line. Above the line displays any tracks in your currently selected folder, but the balance of other tracks below do not get sorted properly.
If I search for "rihanna" for example, and have the 2008 folder selected, the tracks for 2008 sort by BPM, time etc. OK but all the other from other years below the line do not sort at all. If I search for a BPM range, again, the tracks in the current folder are sorted but all others below are random.

4 - Auto gain. I have this set to off (as all my tracks are set with MP3 gain) but when loaded the gain output level is still changed for each track. Is there any way to disable completely or just have all tracks played at 0db?

5 - Is there a way to create sub-levels in the archive?, for example I could have a level 1 of 2000-2004, then when clicked I could have each individual year displayed on a sub level.

Thanks for your help


geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 6:29 am
kradcliffe wrote :
OK, here are my findings having used VDJ for about 4 months. Maybe I'm speaking out of my a**e here, but any input to these issues would be greatly appreciated.

1 - Loading long tracks takes ages. I have quite a few 60 to 80 minute mixes in 128Kbps MP3 format. They never seem to load in advance of where they are playing. I just constantly get the "loading" message on my DN-HC4500 controller, and trying to invoke certain effects eg. beat blocker does not work at all. Is this a memory limitation?

2 - Loading a music track takes a lot longer after having loaded a video. Edit, seems to be fixed in VDJ 5.2

3 - Search & sort. If you search for an artist, genre, BPM range etc, the sort does not work on tracks below the line. Above the line displays any tracks in your currently selected folder, but the balance of other tracks below do not get sorted properly.
If I search for "rihanna" for example, and have the 2008 folder selected, the tracks for 2008 sort by BPM, time etc. OK but all the other from other years below the line do not sort at all. If I search for a BPM range, again, the tracks in the current folder are sorted but all others below are random.

4 - Auto gain. I have this set to off (as all my tracks are set with MP3 gain) but when loaded the gain output level is still changed for each track. Is there any way to disable completely or just have all tracks played at 0db?

5 - Is there a way to create sub-levels in the archive?, for example I could have a level 1 of 2000-2004, then when clicked I could have each individual year displayed on a sub level.

Thanks for your help


1. Set your MAx Load to Always

2. Download the registry tool and enable speedload.


geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 1:31 pm

My vista Sony machine is blisteringly quick and works a treat. I didn't realise it loads the entire track to RAM and that is the problem. On my XP laptop I have 1gb RAM but had the pagefile disabled.

I have enabled pagefile now, and although it's not nearly as quick as the desktop it still loads the track.

Thanks for your help!

geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 3:33 pm
4. Set auto gain to "always 0dB"

5. I would just make a folder structure in windows. VDJ will pick up on it.

RE the slow track loading, you beat me to it...I noticed the same thing with the pagefile disabled and I've 2GB of RAM.

geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 10:25 pm
5.2 does not have the "always 0db" option, it just has "disable" but it appears to change the gain anyway.

Can someone else please try the search bug above to confirm it happens to them too and I will forward it to tech support



geposted Thu 04 Sep 08 @ 1:51 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
You will need to close and re-open VDJ Keith.....

geposted Thu 04 Sep 08 @ 2:10 pm
TearEmUp wrote :
You will need to close and re-open VDJ Keith.....

Sorry, I do not follow .... what will closing and reopening achieve?


P.S. I have tried the sort bug on 2 different machines and it happens on both. How do I get a support ticket opened?


geposted Thu 04 Sep 08 @ 4:22 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004

geposted Thu 04 Sep 08 @ 4:41 pm

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