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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Database Confusion

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I used 3.4 for about 2 years and would re-title my tunes within VDJ - as long as VDJ was shut down properly all my titleing stayed intact.

Now I've went and bought a Hercules RMX and so have set about putting all my music into VDJ 5.2.

I've been in the Config/settings and Browser Tab and set the database to add manually.

I then started adding all my folders 1 by 1 and everytime I had made changes to the titles etc closed VDJ 5.2 and re-opened it to make sure that everything was ok - which it was.

Later I realised within the config/browser that it had added songs to the database. So after removing them from the database I am now left with all my folders looking a complete mass again and all my re-titleing work has all gone. i.e. - I now have lots of Track 1, Track 2's etc.

It doesn't matter what I do I can't get it back.

It's doing my head in.

I even bought another spare laptop to set up 5.2 on so I can still use 3.4 on my main laptop until I am happy with 5.2.

I'm getting so frustrated with the new set up I can see me putting an axe through the RMX and spare laptop with 5.2 in...

Can anyone tell me why 5.2 is doing this to my re titled tracks when 3.4 didn't.



geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 11:32 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
bobster691 wrote :
So after removing them from the database I am now left with all my folders looking a complete mass again and all my re-titleing work has all gone. i.e. - I now have lots of Track 1, Track 2's etc.

Ok, so how did you 'remove' them from your database ? What steps did you take ?

Also, What are all the settings in the Config -> Browser tab for the File Infos ?

And, you are aware that the database is handled differently than the old 3.4 ? This is where the confusion may be and the system maybe doing exactly what it should be doing based on the settings used.


geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 12:04 pm
cstoll wrote :
bobster691 wrote :
So after removing them from the database I am now left with all my folders looking a complete mass again and all my re-titleing work has all gone. i.e. - I now have lots of Track 1, Track 2's etc.

Ok, so how did you 'remove' them from your database ? What steps did you take ?

Also, What are all the settings in the Config -> Browser tab for the File Infos ?

And, you are aware that the database is handled differently than the old 3.4 ? This is where the confusion may be and the system maybe doing exactly what it should be doing based on the settings used.

Hey thanks for the reply!

I noticed it had scanned some of the tracks into the search database within - config/browser and then in the database at the bottom.

I then came back out of the config menu and went down my music folders 1 by 1 and right clicked on each folder and hit the "remove from search DB tab. Then I went back into config/browser and hit the Clean Tab so that it read no files.

I have the Info's Gathering section set as follows:

Read ID3 Tags: Enabled
ID3 Artiste/Title: Enabled
Cover: Download Exact Match
Search Database: Add Manually

Thanks again for any help!!


geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 6:20 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Why are you removing things from the search database ? What do you expect to achieve by this ?

When you say hit the clean button until it read no files, is that until it said 0 files in the Search DB or zero files in the database ?

Also, at anytime did you chose to reload the tags ? As this will load the ID3 tags over what ever info you put in the VirtualDJ fields.

geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 6:54 pm
cstoll wrote :
Why are you removing things from the search database ? What do you expect to achieve by this ?

When you say hit the clean button until it read no files, is that until it said 0 files in the Search DB or zero files in the database ?

Also, at anytime did you chose to reload the tags ? As this will load the ID3 tags over what ever info you put in the VirtualDJ fields.

I wanted to be selective about what went into the search Database.

Ideally I would only have my karaoke material in the search database and then I would have a selection of music folders of different genre's down the side that just list the tracks on the screen as you open the folder. I didn't really want karaoke and dj tracks all coming up on the screen at the same time. Are we supposed to use the filter button to seperate these?

Yes it came up with 0 files when I hit the clean button.

I can't really remember for definate hitting the reload ID3 Tags button but I won't hit it from now on as i've just spent 6 hours trying to do all this again.

Hopefully I won't do something wrong this time.

Thanks Again for any advice!!


geposted Wed 03 Sep 08 @ 9:27 pm
Tell you what guys I've been using 5.2 in the house now for a few days and I'm well impressed!! It's worth sitting down and sorting out the Database and getting it all correct - The search on 5.2 is excellent.

Well done folks!!


geposted Fri 05 Sep 08 @ 12:13 pm

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