
Pioneer DJ - DJM-850 - Layout


  1. Master LEVEL. Use this knob to control the Output level of the Master Output.

  2. BALANCE. Use this knob to balance between the left and right signals of the Stereo signal

  3. Cue Master . Press this button to send the signal of the Master Output to the Headphones Channel.

  4. MONO/STERO. When set to MONO, both left and right signals will be output to both left and right Outputs.

  5. BOOTH VOLUME. Use this knob to control the Output level of the Booth Output.

  6. EQ CURVE. Choose between Normal and Isolator (Cut) Equalizer modes.

  7. CH FADER CURVE. Select the Curve that the Channel Volume faders will follow.

  8. CROSSFADER CURVE. Select which curve the Crossfader will follow (Cut, Full, Smooth)
