load and save effect banks (pluginBanks)
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
load and save effect banks (pluginBanks)
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
16 Samples per Deck side.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Automation for the video effects boom, blur, color, negative, spectral, shake, strobe, contour, vibration and video text. It also allows you to combine shader with milkdrop, cover or slideshow.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
BeatGrid Effect slots on your pads!
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Use the echo FX configured to your pads, to capture live loops and redub them.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Hotcue pads tailored for DVS (timecode vinyl) use. Holding vinyl and pressing the hotcues will not play from cue.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
The DJC Buttons (special buttons on Hercules RMX and 4MX) can now be on the Pads section of a VirtualDJ skin
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Adjust the beat grid easily from your controller.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)