Revolutionary Technology

A New frontier in Djing

VirtualDJ uses advanced AI technology to separate any song into a multi-track, during the mix, in real-time. Allowing DJs to adjust on the fly the components of their tracks (vocals, instruments, kicks, hi hats, etc) to create new mash-ups, remixes and transitions. This opens the door to whole new ways of mixing that were simply not possible before, and will forever change the way DJs mix.



VirtualDJ first introduced real-time stems separation back in 2020, and started this revolution of DJing. Since then, the hardware market kept evolving, opening up new possibilities of what can be reasonably done with consumer laptops. Today, VirtualDJ 2023 uses our latest Stems 2.0 engine, that offers the best quality in the market for stem separation, with incredible clarity on acapellas!


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Our Stems 2.0 engine gives you extraordinary clarity in acapellas. By isolating the vocals-only part of the song the DJ can be creative in whole new ways. All easily accessible using the stems performance pads for instant isolation, or gradually isolate the vocals using stems on EQ option.


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Our Stems 2.0 engine can as easily remove the vocals and play only the insturmental parts of any song. Additionally you can isolate or remove just parts of the instrumental, such as drums, bass, hi-hat and melody. Get creative in whole new ways. The possibilities are endless!

Teste es noch heute und lade VirtualDJ 2025 herunter, es ist kostenlos:

David Guetta

Virtual DJ stem separation - and the way it’s implemented - is very impressive! The technology behind the concept is some of the best we’ve heard

Just, wow... amazing real-time stems mixing! Mash-ups & remixes on the fly thanks to a killer new feature. VirtualDJ characteristically ahead of the game,

The day DJing changed. There is no two ways about it; this technology is pretty bloody magical! Music source splitting just changed everything!

Takes the DJing software to new heights! Separate stems on individual tracks. For a DJ looking to take your sets to next level, VirutalDJ has everything you need...


Instant Acapella & Instrumental

This new technology gives the DJ access to instant acapella and instrumental on any song, live during the mix! Real-time stems separation lets you easily remove or isolate parts of the song.

On-The-Fly Mashups

Mix and remix songs live on the fly. Put vocals from one song over the beats from another song and explore new ways of mixing your tracks previously not possible.

Seamless Transitions

Stem separation right on the EQs allows the DJ to transition seamlessly in whole new ways, allowing the DJ to fine-tune different elements of the songs live in the mix.

Powerful with ease of use

Access and manipulate individual stems easily

Separate elements of tracks in real time, easily from the software or hardware
Use stems as modern equalizer to fine tune all elements of your tracks and achieve seamless transitions.
Or use as performance pads for instant isolation or removals of any element of the song.

Modern Equalizers

Mit VirtualDJ stehen dem DJ neue Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung seiner Songs zur Verfügung. Mit dem ModernEQ erreicht der DJ eine deutlich präzisere Trennung als mit herkömmlichen frequenzbasierten Equalizern und erzielt perfekte Übergänge wie nie zuvor.

Works with any controller or mixer with midi knobs. Getting started with stem separation is as easy as connecting your DJ gear!

Instant stem isolation

The new Stem performance pads will let you create live mash-ups and remixes in real-time easily, and let your creativity fly free. Instant stem isolation opens the door to new ways of mixing that were simply not possible before, and will forever change the way DJs mix.

Works with all already existing controllers with midi pads.

Unlimited Stems FX

Apply audio effects, loop or scratch a single stem

VirtualDJ lets you use unlimited audio effects to a single stem or more stems. Apply echo out to vocals only, add beat grid to drums only and more. Scratch the vocal parts only or loop the rhythm section only. There are several ready-to-use performance pads with stems fx available to add in Extensions. Get creative in whole new ways and make smooth transitions not possible before.

Ummet Ozcan

Fastest processing speed

For more battery life, less heat, and more overall stability

Full Quality

30x speed

In addition to delivering the best sound quality in the market, our stems separation has been carefully optimized to also be the fastest.

Stem separation speed on a typical PC gamer laptop with Nvidia RTX is 30x (that means 2s to split 1mn of song), and 20x on a new M1 Mac.

Full Speed

700x speed

But our stems separation can also be run in Fast mode, with a reduced (but still impressive) quality, to save even more on resources, or to run on older hardware.

With then just 0.08s to split 1mn of song on a PC gamer laptop, this is by far the fastest stem separation on the market.

Werde Kreativ mit der Echtzeit Stem Separation

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Watch testimonials from first impressions of stems in VirtualDJ 2021

DJ Mag Top 100 DJs

View more videos from Top 100 DJs checking out the stems feature!