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Topic: Limewire??? - Page: 1

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djcityPRO InfinityMember since 2005
(Chris, don't get upset. Delete it if you need to.)

Why is downloading music from limewire or bearshare wrong?

I'm curious to see what kind of answers I get.

geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 5:04 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
Short answer...It's hypocritical. We all speak about some schmuck newbie DJ undercutting us. The artist would say the same about free downloads.....Now, do we want to discuss the morality? That might take a while...;-)

geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 5:09 pm
I think it is just as wrong as going to The Pirate Bay and downloading Virtual DJ. It's the same thing. Music like software is the proprietary work of the artist/s & engineers etc. They didn't put it out there for anyone to take free. It took hard earned money to put it all together and then get it in a format that all can enjoy, for a fee that pays them back for the work it took to produce and a little profit to live on and maybe have some fun. Isn't that why we go to work every day? Imagine that we worked as a canvas artist and we put together a great many works, painstaking effort, hours of your life to do each one, then someone steals it, but it's ok to steal it because it was easy, right? To you, maybe, but not to the artist. This can apply to any field of work.

Think about it. It’s just wrong to steal, period!


geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 5:16 pm
djcityPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Oh...Let me make myself clear. This thread is not an endorsement of p2p sites nor is it a thread against p2p sites. This is a thread about opinions and viewpoints.

You do not have to say weather "you" use these sites or not. I cast no judgment on anyone. If you use these sites, good for you. If you don't, Good for you as well.

Some think it's stealing, some don't.

Some have the opinion that it's just like recording a t.v. show on a dvr or vhs. Some have the opinion that if you don't pay for it, it's not legit. Some think that as long as you don't sell the music then it's all good. Some see no difference between p2p and getting music from a friend. Some think it's about integrity, others think getting music for free is just makes good business sense.

This thread is meant to have an open and honest debate (Wow...I sound like Pres. Obama) on the subject of p2p and free music downloads.

Good answers. I am enjoying the feedback. I am curious to see what others have to say. There are people on both sides of this debate. I wonder what the other point of view has to say?

geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 5:25 pm
Limeshare (and others) is nowhere close to recording a tv show ;)

Its an filesharing service, and if the files shared are copyrighted (such as music), its an illegal filesharing...

Its exactly like PirateBay or torrents.. P2P is as illegal as torrents, if the content shared is copyrighted


geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 6:33 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
what does your conscious say? what does the law say?

geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 7:49 pm
djcity wrote :
(Wow...I sound like Pres. Obama).....

Except president obama would give billions of dollars away for the greed and dishonesty of other of the p2p networks, the users and the record industry alike and then raise my taxes to pay for it all!

geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 8:06 pm
djreneePRO InfinityMember since 2004
Why not Limewire?

I feel very lucky today, I think I'll click on a file having no real idea what it could be since it's not a trusted source.
It could me an MP3file, could be an MP3file filled with Trojans, could be a naked photo of my mother. Ewwwwwww

Wait! On second thought I'm not that lucky so hold the lime and just give me the rum & coke please.

~R~ (Stands for Rum.

geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 8:42 pm

geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 9:25 pm
Oh, come on, People! Stop playing Torrent p2p cops telling the bad kids what is good and what is bad. Do you really care that the losers share the files with other losers? Those guys will never pay for music anyway. They are not making money on those downloads. They just want to fill their 2 TB hard drive with free music so they can tell their friends "my mp3 collection is bigger than yours".
Professionals will not waste much time on this.

geposted Tue 05 May 09 @ 9:56 pm
It's all quite simple really. If nobody is willing to pay for music, nobody will make music [professionally] since it no longer can earn them a living.

geposted Wed 06 May 09 @ 2:45 am
djcityPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Music artists make the vast bulk of their money from shows and promotions. It's a only small % from royalties. Some artists leak their music on p2p sites to create a buzz for the song, intentionally wanting people to download it for free.

That being said, Is it wrong?

Is it wrong if you get music NOT for the purpose of selling that music but for personal enjoyment, in the privacy of your own mp3 player?

Is it wrong for a DJ to download songs that can not be purchased anymore because you can't find them anymore?

If I take my collection of PURCHASED music and load it up on a p2p site...What's wrong with someone downloading it?

Is there a difference between downloading from a p2p or getting a large amount of mp3's from a friends hard drive? (With your friends permission of course. Getting his or her music otherwise IS STEALING)

If I give you my HD and tell you that you can copy the whole thing, that you can have ALL the music I have, Is that wrong? You did not pay for MY music. Would you use it to DJ? Would that be wrong?

Is downloading music for DJ'ing or personal listening wrong? Or is downloading music to sell via bootleg market wrong. Or are they all wrong.


It can be fun playing devils advocate...

geposted Wed 06 May 09 @ 3:05 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
djcity wrote :


It can be fun playing devils advocate...

What's to debate???? The law is the law. If you don't like it you try and get the law changed. Are you going to debate with a Police Officer when he pulls you over for going 100mph in a 70mph zone?

I'm sorry but this topic is more along the lines of "stirring the pot".

geposted Wed 06 May 09 @ 5:27 pm
djcityPRO InfinityMember since 2005
JayMSY Wrote
What's to debate???? The law is the law. If you don't like it you try and get the law changed.

I'm sorry but this topic is more along the lines of "stirring the pot".

I don't know the law as it pertains to p2p sites and downloads. I know that I pay for my music. I know many DJ's that use limewire and bearshare.

This thread is not a "stir the pot" kinda thing but rather an in depth discussion on the subject. I know that we have many DJ's right here within the VDJ realm that download music from limewire, bearshare and others.

I do not advocate the use of these sites but I also see other points that can be raised about the use of them.

And YES...I will debate a speeding ticket. Wouldn't you? Thats why we have a court system. Not all cops are on the level and not all speedometers are accurate besides, not all speeders are speeding when they get stopped.


geposted Wed 06 May 09 @ 9:04 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
as my law professor (I'm no lawyer, I just took some basic law classes in college) said "ignorance of the law is no excuse/defense". Bottom line...in the US it is illegal and you can get sued! Just google it City it's all over the place. That's why I just don't understand why you are doing this...perhaps some people can justify it but in the end for citizens in the US, like yourself, it's illegal. If an artist and/or label sends you a link to download their track for free then they are obviously giving it to you and you have obtained it legally but if you share it with someone else you are breaking the law as you are not the owner of the original work.

You or anyone else can find all this information just by goggling. Google R.I.A.A. for starters.

I'm done with this topic...anyone care to take over? The way I see it there is no debate..it is clear cut, black and white for citizens in the USA!

geposted Thu 07 May 09 @ 12:25 am
The internet contains so much information which people provide for free. 15 years ago if you wanted to learn something you would probably buy a book or hire a professional, nowadays you can simply perform a search and within seconds have an answer. If you're not much of a reader, no problem, just pop onto youtube and some kind person has probably made a video documenting how to do it. There's no need to pay for that once a week introduction to cooking course anymore; people willingly share instructions, recipes and some will even deal with you personally if you ask them a question, expensive tutoring isn't a necessity.

Knowledge is probably the most valuable thing that we have as a species and many of us share that knowledge for free whether it be through a blog or popular news site. Linux is an example of many (hundreds, perhaps thousands of individuals) freely collaborating to produce a major piece of work which anyone is free to use, modify or distribute. If something which took such a lot of knowledge and effort to produce can be given away for free is the price of £15 for a music album extortionate? This applies to movies too. Modern movies may cost $120 million to produce but as consumers we haven't demanded that movies cost more to produce. Nevertheless, most of these movies will cover their costs at the boxoffice either nationally or internationally - to charge £20 for the DVD sale is extortion.

There are users who will pirate everything but some pirates are willing to pay - at the right price. Russian sites who offer albums at a few dollars each have tapped into this major market making millions of sales. This is perhaps surprising because we tend to think of prices being set by supply and demand; online distribution can offer almost unlimited supply (factoring in competition and availability), you would think this would dwarf prices. Ever been onto the iTunes store? Apple demand £40 for season 4 of Battlestar Galactica, no thank you, I'll pass. I can get the whole collection for that price on the higher quality and more importantly tangible and relatively restriction free (i.e. it's resources are worth something and I can play it on as many machines as I want) dvd format. Piracy can be argued to stem from companies greed to make high margins whilst cost cutting - the consumer is offered inferior works and then charged more for it.

There is of course the argument that such use of p2p involves stealing the publishers work, how would you like it if you produced the Mona Lisa and then someone stole it.. to steal the Mona Lisa would deprive the original author of making revenue from the art gallery it was being displayed in. This hurts so many people, the artist, the gallery's staff and the excitement customers would experience with the work not being there. This doesn't apply to p2p because a work is being copied rather than taken. It's true that there will be a number of lost sales because of piracy, but does this indicate that the system needs to change? Should music be freely available to encourage an artists reach, to promote them for live performances? Performances which would produce more jobs across the country/countries during tours, is this better than overpaying individuals by so much that they can only work maybe a month a year? As the hard paying consumer who works 5 days a week it may be.

People may use similar arguments to justify piracy but perhaps the biggest factor is risk. You're more likely to get into trouble for going 10 miles over the speed limit yet nearly everyone does it. How can one justify an increased danger to people directly attributed to their actions yet condemn those who copy a work they may never have bought anyway? Speed limits can save lives, the RIAA help produce seemingly above the law celebrities who project unrealistic lifestyles, which one is more damaging?

geposted Thu 07 May 09 @ 10:36 pm
rvd4nowPRO InfinityMember since 2006
so if i wanted to leave limewire .. were else could i get my hiphop and rnb music.. i dont care if i have to pay a monthly fee to down load . i just dont no were to look

geposted Fri 08 May 09 @ 11:12 pm
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007
rvd4now wrote :
so if i wanted to leave limewire .. were else could i get my hiphop and rnb music.. i dont care if i have to pay a monthly fee to down load . i just dont no were to look

Here is a few sites in this thread

Also you could try a google search, try using "DJ pools"


geposted Sat 09 May 09 @ 2:50 am
I personally beleive P2P sites are wrong to use; especially if you are a professional DJ. If you make money playing the artists songs why shouldn't the artists and record companies that created the music get their money due. I use TM studios for my audio and video subscription.

geposted Sun 10 May 09 @ 2:00 pm
Promo Only DVDs are great, but they don't give us Americans alot of the house videos due to record lables restrictions... you could rip a video off MTV or VH1, but be prepaired to pay a fine if you get caught, I know a few clubs in Las Vegas that were contacted by lawyers from MTV... lol.

just be glad you have to buy videos, cause it gives us real VJs a little job stability for now... as far as music downloads, the sound quality is always not up to par... but if you get a request on a track you don't have, and you can download it off a share site... I'll admit that it dose happen on an occasion... but thats why we pay ASCAP fees.... I still buy my music, but once in a while....

geposted Sun 24 May 09 @ 9:31 am