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Topic: 2.07??? - Page: 1

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waiting hard----2.06 sucks:-(

geposted Sun 17 Apr 05 @ 7:27 pm
I hope its 3.0 not 2.7

Why do a 3.0 when we don't need as much evolution as when we went from 1.09 to 2.0!

2.06 doesn't sucks. If you are not happy go and buy other mixing software or explain to us what you want changed!

The Virtualdj team takes a lot of interest in the demands from DJs on this forum

Besides, dev team wrote v2.07 in the forum report bugs. Read all carefully the next time

2.06 suck

humm, here an opinion argued well

i'll be happy if VDJ works with Mac comuters.

2.6 sucks.......NOT

...sucks what ????

hi guys, First of all VDJ 2.06 doesn't sux... and if U think it sux y do u bought it?

(Mr. kheyo, sucks mens that it's bad, and he menas that VDJ 2.06 sucks di*k)


thank's Cash :)))

it isn't in my english french school dictionnary. But anyway I don't see why VDJ sucks !!! A little bit poor the argument ;P

Well Discotronic...why does it suck? I mean there are some things that I would change. That's why we have a New Features and Bugs Forum. But it doesn't SUCK. Come on dude get it right.


ok i spelled it wrong!!!!english is not my mother language!!!!!
i meaned the bugs!!!!(timestrech-tcv-filescanning-vbr prob&on!!!!)
I`m using the software since "atomix1.0" and by the time it`s one of the best on the marked!!!!
but still it should be ok to put the dev-team a little bit under pressure to hurry up,because a few bug are quite nasty:-)

well...let meput my 2 cents in

i have been djing since 1997 and learned to dj by ear(the old fashion way) and vdj for a software mixing program is by far the ultimate mixing software....

but I do aggree the time stretch needs major improvement...i do not use it becouse when i do my beats fall apart.....

2.07 is in need but if they say it has some bugs then i would rather wait for an update that doen't not have any bugs then to go ahead with an update that does have bugs

waiting is ok for me

Some of you have to realize that releases come after they stopped getting kicked back by beta testers.
It's a process that takes time especially when there are major changes involved.
Every update has fixes and more importantly improvements that make the program more valuable and desirable. Certainly nobody wants a new release out more than the parent company.

I wish I knew what the fuss was all about, i've been on the other side of things and wish I could help.
If the program was crashing or not reliable enough to use live, I could understand the bitching.
Some of you push the limits and yup, the program can have issues.
But used in normal conditions of beat mixing with sufficient or better ram, it is flawless IMO.

Donda wuddie be appy......i'm sure it's close.

we need 2.07 for stability! when I load a track if I scratch heavily, it crashes.
I also think the Hercules controller latency is in the program not the buttons
The master tempo could use some improvement
aside from that, it is perfect!


Hi all,
sort of can't use Vdj these days, computer is well broken. Just out of curiosity and of laziness to search forums ... any idea when 2.07 is due? I hope to have My hard drive recovered some day.


I can presume 2.07 is due to be out before this summer :-p

Last News posting was end of Jan almost 1/4 year ago, it would be nice if someone official that works for the company would just let us know whats happening.

FOR EXAMPLE...Work is progressing nicely on our new release, with some exciting new features once weve sorted out a few bugs it will be released.....prob in next two weeks.

It would be nice even to confirm that devlopment is actaully taking place, with maybe a teaser as to some of the new features.
This lack of communication I find worrying, and is surelly not good buisness practice.
I Look forward to reading sometihing in the News column of the home page Soon?

Your answers are in the "report bugs" topic ;-)

Trust me, Atomix Productions is still developping with the best of them and for you.

thanks dj cel done that and yes its there..
Just used to pcdj forums where ryan the pcdj sales manager posts regulary in the general forum.
But then again Virtual is the best prog. maybe they are too busy developing improvements
to post in the forums reguliary!
Still a post in the news section since theres been no "news" since 28thJan would be Great to see
