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Topic: What are your favorite effects ? I'm curious - Page: 2

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Virtual dj is very good program i'm not complaining about effect because simply you don't need them in real life !
if you use them at home ok but in night club no !

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 2:14 pm
nicholas123 wrote :
thetracker510 Nobody gonna tell im to not use it , but pioneer will tell im to use it ,pioneer payed to him to use it in this video . Just because of advertizing for Pioneer rmx thing and of course sell it to people like you !

you know,..it goes deeper than that.all manufactures have seeked the major artist to use their gear by either paying them or supplying them with free gear.but then whatever that gear's sound is ,it becomes part of that music and genre.because its deeply injected and involved in that art.. as a lead guitarist I've known this all my life.example: Gibson & Les Paul


geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 2:32 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
I keep my effects simple, they have never been subjected to much research. Hence I have a knob on my mc6000 for the filter. I set buttons for backspin, and brakestart, and only rarely vary the effects knobs between the flanger, and slicer.

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 2:55 pm
bigron1 that's what i use backspin , brakestart maybe flanger, you simple don't need more effect than that in real life,because you don't want interrupt listeners to much !

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 3:31 pm
well you guys are not "Techno" minded and I'm guessing if I went to your gigs I would be extremely bored :) anyways...as I've done in the past ...I am going to report a jem of a find (thanks to the links posted earlier in this thread) as I searched all nite and researched (man if you find one called REZ3 v.1.1 do not open! it caused vdj to instantly crash,I mean it just closed,dido.) anyways my search was for effects like in the pioneer efector. man vdj needs this!!! is call "Scratch it",a plugin that as the maker posted "made to simulate scratch and tape stoping" (or something like that) but this little jem which is free is actually a sequenced simulator able to do a sequenced of a scratch,rewind,brake and others and you sequence it via a graph.its Siiiickk!..hmm unfurtunately I forgot which web link I found this,I think it was one of the first two in the link..but worth hunting for.it blows away our brake/stop plugings!! so dont say I didnt share ;)
edit: Oh..and its free...

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 4:00 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Thanks Tracker, I'll have a look.
In the past I managed to crash VDJ 7 with a variety of effects, including VST's. Stability is massively important, so tread carefully.
The other thing I did was get distracted, and leave them running...

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 4:12 pm

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 6:04 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Hey that looks BRILLIANT Tracker!
I'm downloading it now..WoW!

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 6:08 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Oh my God, it looks fantastic..Wow..Wow..Wow
I still need to condfidence test it, but it's way better than anything I've ever seen before.
Thank you Tracker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 7:02 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Its even made me like the basic VDJ 8 skin, it's colour co-ordinated!
It also looks great with my Denon skin!

It's looking stable!
It's therefore is the icing on my effects cake!

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 7:08 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Tracker, have you mapped a controller to this vst?
It looks like one knob, and a button plus the mouse will control it.

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 7:39 pm
no,just use the mouse,move the dots for different patterns.use the slider in the bottom to make a longer pattern.then save.but Im trying to make a scratch like the 1rst default preset.hmm..tricky

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 8:02 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
My controllers managing one paramater, it sees a second, but won't control it.
I might ask the programmers for help.
It is already good.
It could be great, or then maybe I can't use it very well!

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 8:44 pm
no..once you make the presets then you "play" a pattern as a sample.but I figured the graph's complexity.right click to select how many dots.now you can make it scratch,drop and speedup...ha,ha...Awsome!
edit: I just found the Logo on it is a speed controller! so yeah,if we could map this to the 2nd fx knob....

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 8:50 pm

Pretty lame since there only basic scratches that anyone could learn in no time if they just put a little practice and effort into it but yeah this would be good for the guys who don't wanna learn.............

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 8:57 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
That sounds like good advice..I must learn to scratch properly!

Interestingly the audio is just muted, and continues to play as in Traktor when using their brake.
The least it's looking is a superior brake. That's not bad.
Theres more to this vst than just a scratch, it's a sound effect.
I don't know what to think...I'll use it, and we'll see what happens.

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 9:19 pm
ha...I doubt you can do a sequence if I intergrate all 16 points which Im allready doing huey.but the point is you do this at a push of one button while your other hand is doing something else.and you can handle that ,can't you mister Octopus?

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 10:15 pm
I guess fake it till you make Fred 👌

Don't know why you gotta get all offended all the time?? From the video that's just a basic scratch now what ever it is your trying to do is whatever you want to do, for me a choose to put in the time and practice.

Not hatin on anyone here just saying I would not use this as a method of scratching...........

Scratch that itch bro or is it poke that itch 😳

geposted Mon 06 Apr 15 @ 11:03 pm
time & practice? Im doing this full time,thats what.and if it isnt vdj is the midi tracks,then making patches on several synths,then clean the system,thenI try to fit in the first love,the electric guitar.then eat....

geposted Tue 07 Apr 15 @ 1:32 am
"I would not use this as a method of scratching."...man,you dont know what your talkin about.this thing was just called that to be cute.you use it as a sample of a scratch or other vinyl effect.you drop it like sample.after you program 16 different patterns on it.and Im not the one faking having talent.I put it on video for all to see.you gotta cut the act with me kid.cause it aint flying...now back to some helping out folks...yep...

geposted Tue 07 Apr 15 @ 3:19 am