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Topic: Dennon DJ MCX8000 x Virtual DJ - Page: 7

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geposted Mon 06 Jun 16 @ 5:56 pm
DO NOT forget to down load the new firmware update for the MCX8000 NOT just the newest windows driver. Do it here and NOT from any other website. http://www.denondj.com/mcx8000

geposted Mon 06 Jun 16 @ 10:43 pm
A little glitchy but it's in the works. The scratching is not precise and when running some of the effects, it's skips and freezes. My comp is set up the same as it always has been with VDJ. But I know it's a work in progress and glad to see something up and going!

geposted Mon 06 Jun 16 @ 11:48 pm
Ok. I just had time to install the mapping and have been testing it out for about an hour.
I have to say that Denon made a very poor choice in making this a Serato board. I have been using the included Serato for several weeks now and
it does not come close in comparison to what Virtual DJ can do. Virtual DJ mapping brings this board to life 100 times better than Serato ever could.
And that is without the screens. The sampler and sampler volume controls are amazing for mixing. Great job VDJ team. Can't wait for the screens to
be enabled.

What is wrong with Denon? Why would they take this amazing board and downgrade it so badly by making it for Serato?
It is VDJ that makes it amazing.

DJ James

geposted Thu 09 Jun 16 @ 3:02 am
Just a note for potential UK buyers, Denon have increased the price by £50 to £949

geposted Fri 10 Jun 16 @ 9:59 pm
Hey great job!!!!
I've installed the mapping
I only messed around a couple of minutes making sure everything is working, WONDERFUL!!! Finally I can work with my new toy.
Keep up the great job.

geposted Fri 10 Jun 16 @ 10:07 pm
6 hours gig yesterday , MCX 8000 worked perfectly with VDJ.
Best controller with the possibility for memory stick as back up ever !

geposted Sat 11 Jun 16 @ 2:14 pm
Played a couple of sets both in Mac and Windows, perfect!. Just couldn't find where to select the effect from the controller so I just mapped the third FX button to scroll through the effects. Going live pretty soon finally.

geposted Thu 16 Jun 16 @ 6:06 pm
dcomoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
Great to hear that everyone is having a great experience!

geposted Thu 16 Jun 16 @ 7:14 pm
Yet again another one of my posts (in this thread) has mysteriously disappeared.

Can I please ask if someone from Atomix is going to level a thread up can they please advise the person why it has been removed. Just having posts disappear without notification is downright rude and hardly encourages people to take part in the forum.

I spend a lot of time here contributing and I'm probably just wasting my time if that's the attitude of the moderators and staff.

Thank you.

geposted Thu 16 Jun 16 @ 9:00 pm
So I just spent about 3 hours getting it tuned up and the latency set up and making sure that the ASIO is set up and an alternative in case something goes wrong there. Other than that....it worked pretty well. The controller had it's issues with random blinking lights on the platter looking like a blue strobe effect at times. About every 10 minutes to 20 minutes the program would "skip" or "chatter for about 3 seconds bit I'm guessing that it may be my computer or wireless setting. Other than that, a few more weeks testing and mapping and I'll be performance ready.

Just hope the screens can work sometime soon but actually....I didn't even notice all that much as i'm used to watching VDJ on the top anyway. The screens working would be great to single out the track that is playing instead of the 4 color overlay that sometimes can be hard to see. But they really put a lot of work into this mapping from what I can tell!

The effects work better here in VDJ than serato! Serato FX sucks! If Atomix gets the screens by summer, I'll be purchasing the life membership and forgetting about serato flip and pitch in time as I'm sure someone will come up wit ha solution for that.

geposted Thu 16 Jun 16 @ 11:21 pm
Been testing my mcx8000 all week with VDJ 8.2 and all I can say is, Flawless! Works perfectly! I would love if the screens would work, upgraded from a NV and have gotten used to using the screens. But I'm sure the VDJ team will get it for us soon enough!

geposted Fri 17 Jun 16 @ 9:18 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
kradcliffe wrote :
Yet again another one of my posts (in this thread) has mysteriously disappeared.

Can I please ask if someone from Atomix is going to level a thread up can they please advise the person why it has been removed. Just having posts disappear without notification is downright rude and hardly encourages people to take part in the forum.

I spend a lot of time here contributing and I'm probably just wasting my time if that's the attitude of the moderators and staff.

Thank you.

I checked this entire thread, and none of your posts have been moderated or removed. Perhaps the post you were looking for was posted in a different thread?

I agree it may get a little confusing, but there appears to be another MCX-8000 thread in the Hardware forum where you also have contributed.

geposted Fri 17 Jun 16 @ 9:42 am

geposted Fri 17 Jun 16 @ 9:48 am
No new posts here for a week now.
While the controller is working great, I would like to know if they are still working on the screens or if
all hope of that has been abandoned.

DJ James

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 9:48 pm
djdad wrote :
We have updated the "Coming soon" list with new entries (Denon MCX8000 is included too).

all the controllers you see in that list WILL HAPPEN,but no ETA. They will be available when ready and able to provide 100% functionality. No controller will ever be natively supported unless ALL features provided from the controller are offered, thus a possible delay on some of them.

Keep in mind that most of the recently released controllers have certain locked features which at the moment prevent us from providing full support. But we need to assure you that we are working hard on those and we will provide support soon.

VirtualDJ has always been the DJ software with the longest and most full list of supported Hardware and we intent to keep it that way, regardless the efforts of manufactures to offer locked Hardware to a certain a DJ software

There is no news, so no post. These questions have been answered before, as evident in above quote.

geposted Fri 24 Jun 16 @ 9:42 pm
Great job mapper!!! After testing a couple of days the at home, I did my first live event this Saturday and it worked flawlessly for six hours.
Thank you and keep up the good work!!!

geposted Mon 27 Jun 16 @ 1:37 pm
sorry meant to say "Great job with the mapper"

geposted Mon 27 Jun 16 @ 1:38 pm
Buenas tengo el denon 8000 descargué el virtual 8.2 y el maper y funcionó bien. Ahora mi consulta es la siguiente con el denon mc6000 lo usaba como mixer externo los fader de volumen del virtual no se movían y el eq tampoco y con este no puedo hacerlo agradezco la ayuda.

geposted Thu 30 Jun 16 @ 2:03 am
After this we will probably be redirected to the Spanish forum.

Te contesto rapido ya que lo mas seguro nos digan que nos movamos al foro en español.

si seleccionas el mcx800 como tarjeta todo va a funcionar bien y lo vas a ver funcionando en la pantalla.

geposted Thu 30 Jun 16 @ 1:26 pm